HCI Outdoors is the study of human-computer Interaction in outdoor settings.
HCI Outdoors includes understanding the human experience of using interactive computing outdoors as well as the implementation of interactive systems for outdoor use. Outdoor applications range from recreation to work and include citizen science and education. Users can be a single person on a hike, a group of people cycling together or a formal class of 11 year old students. Systems range from smartphones to purpose-built physical devices.
The culmination of the HCI Outdoors Workshop and research resulted in the publication of the seminal work on the topic of Human Computer Interaction by Springer Publishing

About the Book
At the 2018 ACM SIGCHI Workshop on HCI Outdoors, the organizers and participants decided it was time for an academic book that captured key advances in this area. Scott McCrickard, Michael Jones, and Timothy Stelter were selected to edit the book, to be published as part of Springer’s HCI series in 2020.
This book brings together recent work and insights of leading researchers involved in HCI Outdoors, providing researchers a thorough review of work in this emerging discipline and preparation to make new contributions on this important topic. Our focus extends these ideas to look at the design and integration of technologies into outdoor settings, including hiking trips, park visits, outdoor recreation, formal and informal education, and tech support for outdoor science and engineering.
See the culminated information
See how the information came together