Information for Authors

Chapters should be about 5000 words, including references, using the Springer format for contributed books.  It is expected that chapters will be about 10-15 pages including references in this format. Please note that tables, charts, pictures, etc. are expected to take up a whole page in Springer format.

February 2019: Preliminary list of chapters and authors
June 1, 2019: Complete drafts of chapters due to book editors

July 15, 2019: Initial feedback to candidate authors
Summer/fall 2019: Draft chapter review period, with opportunities for
feedback and reflection about book and chapter structure and content
October 18, 2019: Detailed chapter comments to authors (UPDATE: we are working on the reviews and they will be sent out very soon!)
January 15 2020: Final chapters due to editors
Summer 2020: Publication in Springer HCI series (advance copy at CHI 2020)

Content suggestions:

  • Chapters can be submitted via PDF, but the text needs to be made available in Word or Latex format prior to publication.
  • Chapters will be reviewed by the editors who may suggest or require revisions.

Contact Michael Jones with questions.

Page updated: July 17th, 2019